Jewelry Trays come in a variety of configurations based on 3 sizes:

  1. 12-1/16" x 16-5/16" (A)
  2. ​12-1/16" x 22-5/16" (B)
  3. 12-1/16" x 28-5/16" (C)
  •  Fabric Cut-to Fit liners are available in the offered colors at 17" x 30"
  •  Sliding Jewelry trays are available in the offered colors at 12-1/16" x 6" (D)

FABRIC: Black, Beige, Gray 


American beech dovetailed together with birch bottoms and finished with conversion varnish along with two slide choices: full extension ball bearing slide rated at 100 lbs. or a concealed undermount slide with self-closing feature. 

  • ​File Drawer options available
  • Roll-outs with/without scoops available



OPTION 3 - Dovetail Drawer Box

OPTION 1 - Zargen Drawer Box

OPTION 2 - ​Vinyl Drawer

Full extension ball bearing slide

​(For standard side mount applications)

Concealed undermount slide

Grass America - Offers 80% extension in a white epoxy coated steel side with a "ramp-in" self-closing feature. 100 lb. load capacity. Available in white only.  Compliments all colors. Built-in face adjustment. 

Melamine drawer sides doweled together 5/8" thick wrapped components with two slide choices: full extension ball bearing slide rated at 100 lbs. or a concealed undermount slide with self-closing feature. 

  • Available in White Melamine and Hardrock Maple 
  • File Drawer options available 

Drawer Box Options